Photo by Danica Paulos

Please note: This performance includes archival media images of violence associated with the Zoot Suit Riots of the 1940s.

Vanessa Sanchez, the leader of the social justice-minded, San Francisco-based dance theater ensemble La Mezcla, calls the program Pachuquísmo a showcase for their "fresh, percussive Chicana aesthetic." Founded in 2015, La Mezcla's unique fusion of contemporary tap and Mexican zapateado, set to Son Jarocho and Afro-Caribbean rhythms, brings new life to underreported community experiences of Latinx citizenry. Pachuquísmo is a moving, multimedia portrayal of the 1940s Californian Zoot Suit Riot era that challenges gender roles and recasts that turbulent moment outside of the typically male-centered context. Blending history, movement and artistry, La Mezcla steps beyond dance as a vehicle for representation and offers performance as an act of resistance, resilience and thriving growth.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or [email protected].


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